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Uzman Doktor

Ferda Korkmaz

Ferda Korkmaz

Nöroloji Uzmanı



2004 İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji  ABD

1996  İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi

1990  Terakki Vakfı Özel Şişli Terakki Lisesi

İş Deneyimi

2015 - Halen Fransız Lape Hastanesi

2013-2015 Sağlık Bakanlığı Kartal Yavuz Selim Devlet Hastanesi

2007-2015 Anadolu Sağlık Merkezi

2006-2007 Başkent Üniversitesi Hastanesi

2005-2006 Haznedar Sağlık Hastanesi

2004-2007 Memorial Şişli Hastanesi

Klinik İlgi Alanları


Hareket Bozuklukları

Baş ağrısı

Demyelinizan hastalıklar

Uyku bozuklukları

Bilimsel Yayınlar

Oligoconal Band Negative Multiple Sklerosis,

Korkmaz-Bilgili F, Akman-Demir G, Saruhan-Dreskeneli G, Eraksoy M.,  (Schering AG.fist price) 34 th National Neurology Congress

Oligoclonal Band Negative Multiple Sclerosis

Korkmaz-Bilgili F, Akman-Demir G, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Eraksoy M.

14th ECTRIMS meeting 1998,Stocholm

Trauma and Multiple Sklerosis

Korkmaz-Bilgili F, Akman-Demir G, Eraksoy M.

35 th National Neurology Congress 1999, İzmir

Painfull recurrent ophtalmopareisi and panhypopituitarism:

Case report

Korkmaz-Bilgili F, Baslo B, Öge E.

35 th National Neurology Congress 1999, İzmir

A paraneoplastic brainstem encephalitis with motor hyperexitability:

Case report

Korkmaz – Bilgili Ferda, Baslo Barış, Öge Emre

36 th National Neurology Congress 2000, İstanbul

To compare of oligoclonal band positive and negative Clinically Definitive Multiple Sclerosis patients .

Ferda Bilgili, Gülşen Akman Demir, Mefküre Eraksoy, Oğuzhan Çoban, Melike Mutlu, Afyer Tumaç, Şükriye Çetin, Öget Öktem Tanör, Güher Saruhan Direskeneli, Gökhan Demir, Nüket Tüzün

39th National Neurology Congress 2003 Antalya

Progresive Multiple cranial neuropaty and central nervous system metastasis

Ferda Bilgili, Barış Topçular, Gülşen Demirel, Aysan Durukan, Özgür Emir, Gülcan Purcu, Gülşen Akman Demir, Mefküre Eraksoy, Bilge Bilgiç, Ahmet Sivas

39 th National Neurology Congress 2003, Antalya

Systemic cancers presented with isolated optic neuritis and multifocal white matter lesions mimicking multiple sclerosis: Report of two patients and review of the literature

Ferda Bilgili, Barış Topçular, Gülşen Demirel, Aysan Durukan, Özgür Emir, Gülcan Purcu, Gülşen Akman Demir, Mefküre Eraksoy, Bilge Bilgiç, Ahmet Sivas

8th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress (EFNS)

4-7September, Paris 2004

Turkish multiple sclerosis patients with and without oligoclonal bands

Ferda Bilgili, Gülşen Akman Demir, Mefküre Eraksoy, Oğuzhan Çoban, Melike Mutlu, Afyer Tumaç, Şükriye Çetin, Öget Öktem Tanör, Güher Saruhan Direskeneli, Gökhan Demir, Nüket Tüzün

8th European Federation of neurological Societies Congress (EFNS)

4-7September, Paris 2004

Leptomeningial carcinomatosis, Case discussions with experts, oral presentation

Ferda Korkmaz Özkanoğlu

16th Meeting of the European Neurological Society (ENS)
27 - 31.05.2006, Lausanne

Multiple Sclerosis Why?(Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis) for patients

January 2010, İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine,

Patient School Programme

Story of the multiple sclerosis with cartoons (Pathogenesis of Multiple Sklerorosis )

January 2004, İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine,

Patient School Programme

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

January 2003, İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine,

Patient School Programme

9. Internatiol Psicophamacology Congress and 5. Child and Teenage Psycopharmacology congress 26-30 April 2017, Antalya

Frontal System Functioning, Assesment and Pathologies,

Workshop, Oral Presantation,

10. Internatiol Psycopharmacology Congress and 6. Child and Teenage Psycopharmacology congress 25-29 April 2018, Antalya

Computerised – NeuroCognitive Tests on ADHD diagnosis, Oral Presentation


1-İstanbul Tabip Odası

2-Türk Nöroloji Derneği

3.Nöroimmunoloji derneği

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